Saturday, May 17, 2008

Sand in the Crack

Today I did my first REAL ocean, there were waves and everything. The last 2 times we've been in the water it's been in the nasty disgusting Long Beach closed bay -- basically standing water, with the taste and after-taste to match. So it was refreshing and really a lot of fun to go out into the big ocean.

When we got in at 7:15 a.m. for our first 500 m loop, the waves were small. We learned to dive under the waves and hold onto the bottom so we don't get pulled backwards. Then once you're past the surf you swim and swim and swim, realize you're nowhere near the target buoy, double back, and then finally get where you're going. Heading back to shore, with a north-moving current, you have to swim south and you sorta maybe end up where you were supposed to get out of the water. AFter running back to the original spot, we did it again, only this time the waves were large enough that there were surfers everywhere. Four of us manned up and did a second 500 loop (even though we still maintain our guppie status), and finally made it back in. Coming in is the fun part -- there is *some* swimming involved but far more body surfing and baywatch running (in slow motion, of course) through the surf.

Afterwards we sat in the sand for a little while and jumped around in the waves...until mean coach Brad made us go bike and run. Ok, so he's not mean, but maybe was a little grumpy and hungover after celebrating his 40th birthday yesterday. If anyone gives meaning to the saying "40 is the new 30", it's Brad - awesome guy, coach, and definitely inspiring and great to work with.

Ok, so we took off on the bike ride, through venice and around the marina -- about a 10 mile loop. Even though I got lost briefly, somehow I ended up back with the pack by the end.
I usually spend most of the ride dreading the run. No matter how well I handle the swim and bike, having that most hated part of the day hanging over my head really bums me out. I am trying to start saying "I LOVE running" as much as possible, hoping it will improve the experience...but goddammit, i HATE running. wait, no...i mean i LOVE running.. :)

We transitioned to the 5K run, which I apparently extended a few tenths of a mile by going too far, but whatever, I probably needed it. I ran pretty much all of it and actually had a thought near the end that I would do just fine at the actual triathlon. So yeah, a good, morning. While I cursed Brad at 6 a.m. for making us be in the ocean by 7, with the heat like it was by 10:00 a.m., I'd say he knows what he's doing.

Ok, i'm tired now. Time for the 4th leg...remember? it's "nap" - no equipment required.

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