Friday, February 13, 2009

Tis the New Season!

When we last left our heroine, she was completing a half-marathon in December, after a year of moderate training and racing, that included 3 sprint triathlons, 1 international distance (my first in san Diego), and 1 full Olympic distance triathlon.

It was a good year, one that had me say "hmmm, I'd love to help others through similar torture so they can feel as good as I did, competing and raising money for Team-in-Training.

So now here i am, and not only am I participating this year, training for the Olympic Distance triathlon at Wildflower on May 3rd, but i am also proud to say i'm MENTORING for the Summer Season of team-in-training. I'm just barely starting to raise money (i'm aiming for about $3,000), and just barely starting to move my ass again.

I had a rough December and January...and a little bit of February..for some reason I just got hit punch after punch by flu, cold, food poisoning, cold, bronchitis. Seriously.

But now I'm feeling pretty good and ready to go!

I don't think that anyone is reading this, so i feel no shame posting the website where you can donate.

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