Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Creaky Start

After about 2 weeks of getting in a few workouts, my body is remembering that it doesn't really love to do all these things. From my neck to my toes, there are a smorgasbord of aches, pains, cracking, stiffness. And it's funny that as much work as I have, that I'm a mentor...I'm sure some of my mentees could teach me a thing or two.

But fortunately, there's this lovely little thing called massage and having had 90 minutes of pure bliss tonight, I'm feeling loads better. Until the next time I decide to move again :)

On the other creaky side of things is the fundraising. I know the economy is tight, but I'm really hoping to get the support that I need so that I can find myself not in a stressed position where I can't be there for my mentees. Every little bit counts, but it's hard to ask when everyone is just squeaking by.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Tis the New Season!

When we last left our heroine, she was completing a half-marathon in December, after a year of moderate training and racing, that included 3 sprint triathlons, 1 international distance (my first in san Diego), and 1 full Olympic distance triathlon.

It was a good year, one that had me say "hmmm, I'd love to help others through similar torture so they can feel as good as I did, competing and raising money for Team-in-Training.

So now here i am, and not only am I participating this year, training for the Olympic Distance triathlon at Wildflower on May 3rd, but i am also proud to say i'm MENTORING for the Summer Season of team-in-training. I'm just barely starting to raise money (i'm aiming for about $3,000), and just barely starting to move my ass again.

I had a rough December and January...and a little bit of February..for some reason I just got hit punch after punch by flu, cold, food poisoning, cold, bronchitis. Seriously.

But now I'm feeling pretty good and ready to go!

I don't think that anyone is reading this, so i feel no shame posting the website where you can donate.