Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Creaky Start

After about 2 weeks of getting in a few workouts, my body is remembering that it doesn't really love to do all these things. From my neck to my toes, there are a smorgasbord of aches, pains, cracking, stiffness. And it's funny that as much work as I have, that I'm a mentor...I'm sure some of my mentees could teach me a thing or two.

But fortunately, there's this lovely little thing called massage and having had 90 minutes of pure bliss tonight, I'm feeling loads better. Until the next time I decide to move again :)

On the other creaky side of things is the fundraising. I know the economy is tight, but I'm really hoping to get the support that I need so that I can find myself not in a stressed position where I can't be there for my mentees. Every little bit counts, but it's hard to ask when everyone is just squeaking by.

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