Saturday, May 10, 2008

A good day!

So today we did about as close to the triathlon distance as we've done yet.
First a 3/4 mile swim (slowly and getting used to the water still) -- this is actually longer than I will have to swim.

Then we did a 2 HOUR BIKE RIDE. Granted it was only 1 hour 50 minutes because we had the wind behind us on the way back, but still.

Then an optional 2 mile run. I totally kicked ASS at this part. For the first time, I ran it in 18 minutes - that's 9 MINUTE MILES. not 10...9. I was completely about to puke by the end -- not sure where another 4.2 miles would come from, but I was really proud of my speed for this one. I rocked it.

Somehow I ended up at Renaissance fair in the afternoon and by the time i got home at 8, to have sushi with Erik, I was practically snoozing in my miso soup. It was a great training day, but man, exhausting. TIME FOR BED!!!!

I wish I could say that I'm ready to do the next big workout (tomorrow) on Sunday, but I usually am wrecked a full 24 hours afterwards. Some people are *actually* going to swim and bike tomorrow too. Nutso's. don't they know you must rest on Mother's Day????

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