Friday, May 2, 2008


Yesterday my body took a more unusual beating.

The bike clips finally got me. I had heard of it happening but remember cockily thinking 'nah, I totally get ' problemo.'

I had gotten lost in in the hills of santa monica, or maybe it was brentwood -- I got confused as to which way to go and all of a sudden as I debated whether to stop or go, I felt it happen in slow motion...I couldn't wrestle my foot out of the clip and just ate it. Really it was worse and less interesting than truly taking good nosedive because i wasn't even moving. I just toppled over like a cow tipping in the night. Embarrassed and slighly bleeding, I managed to disengage my foot from my bike and get up. Not one person even leaned out the window to ask if i was ok. I felt a bizarre and impatient audience of hummers, mercedes, bmw's and maybe even a ferrari just stared at me. I think i heard a horn honk. I tucked my tail between my diaper-shorted legs and slunk off, ignoring the sting of my knee and pride. It wasn't my best moment. However, it WAS nice to get over the anticipation of my first fall and just get it over with.

And i'm really proud to show off my war scar today. Hold onto your socks!

i's HUGE. ha ha.

I also tried to take a picture of my ego wound, but alas...

1 comment:

Tiffany Brooks Studio said...

Omg.. that was soo funny even though there was pain involved but, in a strange way I am wondering if that was even bad.! lol
But, on a main street that is a little embarrassing.
Good luck beautiful. Assaf and I are drinking our Sunday coffee reading your blogs. You are tooooo damn cute.
xoooxoxoxo Tiffany and Assaf